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Эмблемы и логотипы, изготовленные машинной вышивкой, долговечны, не боятся стирки. Страница 2- Где купить эмблему? Тюнинг и усовершенствования.

«Реал» откажется от креста на эмблеме ради реализации фирменной продукции на Ближнем Востоке. Об этом сообщает. Мадридцы сотрудничают с компанией Marka, которая приобрела права на производство и продажу продукции с символикой «Реала» в странах Ближнего Востока. По условиям контракта «Реал» согласился убрать крест с короны, изображенной на гербе. «В странах Персидского залива нужно быть осторожными, потому что здесь чувствительно относятся к любому изображению креста», — заявил вице-президент Marka Халед аль-Мхеири.

Крест уберут только с эмблемы, наносящейся на продукцию, предназначенную для продажи в странах Ближнего Востока. Эмблема самого клуба не претерпит изменений.

«Реал» — один из самых титулованных клубов в испанском футболе, завоевавший 60 национальных титулов. Кроме того, в активе мадридцев 11 побед в Лиге чемпионов.

Международная федерация футбола (ФИФА) назвала «Реал» лучшим футбольным клубом XX века.

Комментарий от Siver211 Новые баджи патча 3.2. Падает 3 штуки за каждого босса в во всех возможных режимах, 2 штуки с, 3 штуки с обновлённой, а также 2 штуки с дейлика в героик. Можно потратить на:. Не комплектные, уровня 245: Голова - 75, Плечи - 45. 50 за Грудь Ноги Шлем, 30 за Руки Плечи. Итого - 210 баджей.

75 за Грудь Ноги Шлем, 45 за Руки Плечи +, который тут является универсальным токеном. Итого: 315 баджей + 5 Трофеев., уровня 245 - 25 за каждый. 35 за каждое.

50 за каждый. один к одному Потратить кровно заработанные баджи можно у:. Вендоров на Турнире - у для Альянса и у для Орды. Вендоров в Даларане - у для Альянса и у для Орды В 3.3 является главным баджиком, падает с боссов в Наксрамасе, Обсидиановом Святилище, Оке Вечности, Ульдуаре, Испытании Крестоносца и во всех 5-ппл героиках.(thx ) Также теперь за каждую эмблему купить по и т.п. Значки для разных фракций Нордскола. Комментарий от artemtao Обзор вещей 251/264 уровня, которые приобретаются не в ЦЛК. Шапка: только тировая (251ур) за 95 ЭЛ.

Плечи: только тировые (251ур) за 60 ЭЛ. Плащ: нетировый (264ур) за 60 ЭЛ. Куртка: тировая (251ур) или нетировая (264ур) за 95 ЭЛ. Перчатки: тировые (251ур), нетировые (264ур) за 60 ЭЛ, также тировые перчатки можно выбить с Торавона: 251ур с 10ппл и 264ур с 25ппл. Пояс: не тировый (264ур) за 60 ЭЛ. Штаны: тировые (251ур) за 95 ЭЛ, также тировые штаны можно выбить с Торавона: 251ур с 10ппл и 264ур с 25ппл. Нетировые штаны 264ур можно скрафтить за 8 саронитов (+реги).

Сапоги: нетировые сапоги 264ур можно скрафтить за 5 саронитов (+реги). Триня: 60 ЭЛ. Исходя из этого планируйте свои приобретения за эмблемки льда. Например: вам нужен первый тировый бонус (2 предмета) и не нужен второй (4 предмета): берите шапку и плечи, все остальное приобретайте нетировое 264 уровня. Если вы собираете все 4 предмета, купите штаны и перчатки в последнюю очередь, так как вам они могут выпасть с Торавона. И, разумеется, согласуйте все приобретения с тем лутом, который вы сроллили в ЦЛК.

Тировая - вещь из комплекта Tier10, имеющая тирбонусы за 2 и 4 предмета. Нетировая - обычная вещь, без тирбонусов. Комментарий от mak484 Will be added in 3.2. These will drop from the newly added Argent Tournament 10 and 25 man raids. For anyone not privy on the patch notes and who are currently saying 'great, another stupid badge type', there is good news. All raids and heroic instances added prior to 3.2, such as Naxx-25 and all heroic 5-man instances, will now drop instead. This leads me to believe that items that already cost emblems of conquest, ie which currently costs 28, will have their cost increased.

Still, a great change; assuming emblem vendors will still sell the tokens, it will now be possible to get 4 pieces of T7/7.5 without raiding. EDIT: The armor sets purchasable with these emblems just went up on the PTR. Currently, You can buy for a total of 315 emblems, or for 210 emblems. In both cases I compared them to T8.5 In addition, there are also for 25 emblems, for 35, and for 50. Thats a lotta gear! From the looks of the achievements, theres going to be 5 bosses in the raid, with additional rewards possible in 25 man and both heroic versions. If you do the normal daily and heroic daily every day, and all four raids every week (not likely until everyone gets used to the raids) you could easily make 40 emblems a week, likely much more.

Will update when the instance/raids go live on PTR. Комментарий от mekrith These tokens allow you to purchase tier 9 gear, at either the 232 or 245 ilevel, at differing costs.

This can be obtained three ways outside of raid instances: 1 token - Daily Dungeon 2 tokens - Daily Heroic? Tokens - Trial of the Champion Presumably the 10man and 25man instances, Trial of the Grand Crusader, will also drop at least 6 each. This means that by doing the new heroic and the daily quests alone, one person can earn at least 3 triumph badges per day, possibly significantly more, and therefore rather quickly acquire T9 gear. Комментарий от Xeraxan People like you really annoy me. You complain about how casuals run this game, yet I bet you that casuals make up the majority of people who play this game. Although I don't have numbers to support that claim, so it's just my musing. WoW wouldn't be the game it is today if it didn't have the number of subscribers that it does.

If you and your elitist friends want to quit because the game is catering to casuals more than it used to, fine with me. I won't miss you standing around by the Dalaran bank showing off your gear to stroke your epeen. That's the end of my small rant:D. Комментарий от Groundlord Blizzard said even before Wrath was actually released that they made some BIG mistakes with older raid content, one of the biggest ones being that not a lot of people got to see it at all (much less see ALL of it; I'm lookin' at you, Naxx-40 and Sunwell!). Another thing to think about: Who does Blizzard get more money from? The few hardcore raiders who can beat content almost as quickly as it comes out?

(and then proceed to #$%^& and moan about how 'Blizzard's not putting content out fast enough) Or the millions of casual players who like to play the game but have to spend time away from it because they have real-life issues to deal with? In Blizzard's eyes, whoever can get them more money is the one they're going to think about.

Here's another point I want to make: You can whine about how 'now even n00bs can get good gear.' But does awesome gear suddenly turn a n00b into a master? No it doesn't.

And being a casual player doesn't meant that you're incapable of doing anything more than the simplest of tasks. Комментарий от mixter Ok.is blizz going insane? =P for 1: you can get tier 9 by doing heroics when the patch comes out by getting the emblems of triumph 2.

Rogues get axes to wield (i have a rogue and i like this part but its still a bit too much) 3. In ulduar patch HS was reduced to 30 mins 4. Mounts going at lvl 20 and epic mounts at 40 and flying at 60 5.

Water mounts all of this is only 2 patches.call me crazy (and i am) but this is too much! You can trade soulbound items 2 hours after its been looted with ppl who were eligible for the items what do i smell? $$ chaching$$.

Комментарий от Croolie I just gona copy the text from official test realm patch notes from. Emblem System Changes.

Both the 10 and 25-player instances of the Crusaders' Coliseum drop a new Emblem of Triumph. Any dungeons that previously dropped Emblems of Heroism or Valor, such as Naxxramas or Heroic Halls of Stone, will now drop Emblems of Conquest instead. Emblems of Conquest can still be converted to Valor or Heroism. The Heroic dungeon daily quest will now reward 2 Emblems of Triumph and the normal daily dungeon quest will reward 1 Emblem of Triumph. The existing achievements to collect 1, 25, 50, etc. Emblems of Heroism, Valor, and Conquest have been converted to Feats of Strength since Heroism and Valor Emblems are no longer attainable. New achievements have been added to collect various amounts of any combination of emblems.

And as always this may change during the testing session! Комментарий от egarland I like the tradeoff they have created where there are easier versions of the content that are more accessible to people.

I haven't been to most of 25 man Ulduar but I can talk to people about the fights because I've done it on 10 man and if I got pulled in to a 25 man I'd mostly know the fight. Making it so that everyone can see and enjoy the art and the content while preserving the challenge and reward for the best of the best is a win-win in my opinion. Clever move Blizzard. Комментарий от Gnartastic ok yeah i agree with the gear reset. But i do no agree that 187 ilvl people jumping to 226 with 200 content is completely stupid. Again this is with content not even being hard except for hardmode ulduar.

So if we go with BC rules Next up is a Troll Raid of some sort something in ZD. And then we will have a HP boss/Instance Nerf Wrath wide patch with icecrown. Sweeeeeet i hope IC is gonna be hard. I beg blizzard to make it hard. Also i dont think this is gonna be good for recruiting cause now we are gonna have all these horrible players that 'can' do 5 mans recruited into good guilds. Although this is nice for my alt.

Haha just pug naxx 10/25 have 2pc t8.5 in 3 weeks dont even have to do dungeons anymore! Комментарий от Azsharae I think some people misunderstand.

Casuals and casual raiders will now be able to obtain 226 - 245 level gear. Raiders will on the other hand soon get their hands on even better gear, 258lvl sets which will be unreachable for casuals as there is no indication that Trial of the Grand Crusader should be an easy raid. Yes, it is easier to obtain some gear which is heaps ahead from Naxxramas items. But yet, it is still very difficult to obtain the superior items.

It is still basically the same thing as it was before. P.S.: Ulduar gear was actually ilvl 239 not 226. The hardmodes made the instance.

And you could get 226 even before 3.1 with ease, so its no wonder and not a real complication that its easy to get some new gear for the badges. At least more guilds than the top 15 will be capable of doing some real progress in Ulduar hardmodes. Комментарий от Portia To clear up come confusion. Tier 9 sets are broken in to 3 varieties, an ilvl 232 'Conquerer's' (10-man normal ) set, an ilvl 245 'Triumphant' (10-man heroic and 25-man normal ) set, and an ilvl 258 'Totally Triumphant' (25-man heroic) set. The ilvl 232 & 245 sets are only available through these Emblems of Triumphs (EoT), there are no token drops for these two sets in the Colosseum. The ilvl 258 sets are available through the 25-man heroic, and are only available via token drops there from bosses. The 232 sets cost 50 EoT each for Chest/Legs/Helm, 30 EoT for Gloves/Shoulders, 210 EoT total for a full set.

The 245 sets cost 75 EoT each for Chest/Legs/Helm, 45 EoT for Gloves/Shoulders AND a specific boss drop from the 25-man called Trophy of the Crusade (the raid will see a maximum of 5 a week or 10 if both 25 man heroic and normal modes are run), 315 EoT total for a full set. Trophy of the Crusade has not been seen in the 10-man heroic on the PTR; although it's possible that this has changed it is unlikely you'll see this drop from there. Emblems of Triumph drop from Bosses in all difficulties of the Coliseum itself (2 per boss) and 2 EoTs are rewarded by completing the daily heroic dungeon. Spending badges on the 232 sets is detrimental to getting the 245 sets, just don't bother with the 232 sets unless you never expect to set foot in 25-man normal mode and loot a Trophy of the Crusade. Комментарий от spongemike lol I play 6 to 10 hours a week or less and yet I am fully capable of raiding 10 uldar without issue.

Let's face ti the ppl who support this isn' casual players. Is the ppl who can't play thier class right or learn to play thier class and therefore can't get into a raid.

There are lot's of casual players who have the skills to raid and they only spend a few hours on it every week. Do I like this change? I can get better gear by farming heroics.

On the other hand all I see is now every freshly ding 80 just want to do heoics withouth even reaseraching thier class(what defesne u need for heroics, what is the right spec or what gear should you roll for.). Just pug a group for H UK and I drop as soon as I see the tank. Still in greens with little to defesne gear and sitting at 21k hp wanting to take heroics and is talking @#$%. I am sorry but please go learn the game a little. All I can see is more and more unskill palyers comming out and complain more once they dicide to raid but are unable to down even a boss coz they have no knowledge.

And yes I do farm heroics. I already got aorund 30lish conquest badges by doing heroics. Комментарий от Rougierogue Adding on to why you types are extremely annoying. Not only am I a 'casual' (ew untouchable!), and not only do I have a life, school, a demanding job, and don't spend every waking moment in WoW, but.here, come here real close and I'll tell you a secret.closer.looks around.

I like to play for the sake of playing! And I know I'm not the only one. I love the visuals. I love the music.

I love the people on my server. I don't want to be excluded from end-game just because I don't revolve my life around a video game. I raided in vanilla, yeah. I raided in BC. But not often, and I didn't get to see a lot of content. Hell, there are still old-world raids I haven't been to. Because I never had time.

And it made me sad. The way Blizz has worked the raid content this time around is brilliant. Those nasty casuals like myself can play in the easy/medium modes while you godlike hardcore basementdwellers players can play your hard modes. Indeed, it is win-win. And if this makes you want to quit the game, then by all means. My philosophy is that when something meant as a recreation is no longer fun, you put it down and leave it alone for a while.

If that means never coming back? Oh well; it obviously was never meant to be. The fact that you types incessantly #$%^& about it instead of just putting down the proverbial controller is thoroughly disturbing. Really; give me your life because if a game is causing you this much distress your life is obviously way too easy;3.

Комментарий от reaper1671 The thing I don't like is that you can get Tier 8.5 From emblems from 5 man instances. Tier 7, I can understand, even T7.5. Now, in theory, you could completly skip naxx and go straight to ulduar.

I don't mind 'Casuals', But now 95% of the things in game are Easily achievable by anyone. Yeah, Trial of the Grand Champion and Alagon ext, are for 'Hardcore' raiders, But that is.1 instance.and 1 boss. Getting the best gear that is not easily obtainable is why some people play the game, so now With great gear being so easy to get, you only have 2-3 options per slot to get that other people can't. Комментарий от squirrelbot Watch out, after 20 days (3 weeks) of doing the heroic 5-man dungeon daily every single day I can get 1 piece of Triumph gear comparable to what drops from 10 and 25-man ToC off every single boss! Meanwhile if you're a raider you'll have had the opportunity to get the gear straight away off every boss in the 10-man and 25-man PLUS the 10 and 25-man heroics PLUS you get a triumph emblem off every boss too. AND it gives you something to do (the heroic daily) in between raids that gets you EVEN MORE loot. 'Casuals' are not going to be outgearing raiders any time soon.

Also, Raiding!= Hardcore, 5-mans!= Casual. Raiding just means you have a lot of time to spend and a guild to spend it with. Running 5-man PUGs is harder than facerolling raids. Try healing Heroic HoL in a group that has 2k combined DPS - now THAT is a hard mode.

Комментарий от menemew So much for a retard writing a comment. Anyways, everyone who thinks this game is easy are no-life raiders (often) and keep whining on blizz that suddenly everyone else can be as good as these no-lifers. Each time they make something easier than before, they make something harder or make something new that is harder, like. How many of you have seen someone with a Iron-Bound proto-drake, hmmm? I guess not many have (but will be soon) These (just for examples) are the ones complaining that others can get better than they are by doing less work, but they don't. So stfu and enjoy what's new in the game. The reason why they make things easier is for blizz intention that ALL shall have the opportunity to test, lets say, Icecrown Citadel (I know it isn't released yet.) and to help players who just dinged 80 to not (they made this mistake in tBC) spend half a year to gear up for the hardest challenge in this game, then when they spent 3 months, an expansion comes out or a new major patch, they'll never catch up if they have real life to attend to, I am still stuck between naxx and Ulduar, never found a guild doing Ulduar while i find pugs for naxx going almost wipe-free.

This will help players like me (which is many) to get a chance to do everything. And like Xeraxan said, you people annoy me and others, play the game and enjoy it or quit playing and attend to real life in full time.

Комментарий от iNs1d3tRiP '.looks around. I like to play for the sake of playing! And I know I'm not the only one. I love the visuals. I love the music. I love the people on my server. I don't want to be excluded from end-game just because I don't revolve my life around a video game.

I raided in vanilla, yeah. I raided in BC.

But not often, and I didn't get to see a lot of content. Hell, there are still old-world raids I haven't been to. Because I never had time. And it made me sad.' -Rougierogue No, you do not play for the sake of playing.

I'll explain exactly why. I used to be a fairly hardcore raider. I raided over half of naxx pre bc, and killed kil'jaden pre patch 3.0 which made raiding a joke. (even extremely casual guilds began to raid sunwell so long as they didn't puss out because 'wotlk was coming and making new gear pointless') However, I no longer wish to sit in a room and stare at a screen for hours upon the day.

WoW was not the ONLY thing I did, I really did have a life, however I based that life AROUND WoW. Now I am able to go casual and base WoW around my life. That is a great thing. However, people like you have $%^& on this game.

You people have ruined instances and taken away the epic feel all because of your opinion that you should be able to do everything in this game within 30-60 minutes. People like you have taken away FANTASTIC instances which had incredible depth such as BRD, UBRS/LBRS, Stratholme, Dire Maul, and to a lesser extent Scholomance. It's people like you who have TAKEN AWAY the great art design, the great music, the great EXPLORATION which is so incredibly important to an MMO.

You can no longer find 5 man dungeons which have great backgrounds, tribute runs, and shortcuts. You no longer have to do any sort of organization at all in a 5 man, 5 mans have turned into an LOL EPIC gear fest.

You play to get purples and feel special because you can do LEET DEEPS without going into a 25 man raid. Don't try and play yourself off as if you actually play for the adventure. I seriously LOL'ed at you when you said 'I play for the sake of playing' don't kid yourself. The people who play for the sake of playing were the ones who played pre-bc, never raided, and ran UBRS and other level 60 instances.

This is why the 'hard core' players are upset. It's not because anyone can get epics, it's because content has been dumbed down across the board. Sure, 25 man hardmodes are still there for the epeen stroking, but what if we want to do a WotLK equivalent to a BRD emp run.

This game has been taken from us not by the casual, but by the shallow who value purples over any sort of enjoyment in the game. You are a joke and have promoted the fallacy that great quality content can only come in the form of a raid. You say you feel sad that there was quality content that you never saw. Well that's because you didn't apreciate the quality content that was even available to you. If you didn't like BRD, you certainly wouldn't enjoy farming BWL, and most certainly wouldn't appreciate the long runs after wipes in AQ40.

Quality content is greater than gear, but the shallow players will never understand because they NEVER play for the sake of playing. (not casual instead I use the word shallow.) I'll agree raid content has come far, I like it better now than I did then. However, 5 man content has been dummed down to a shallow gearfest to the noobs who drool at purples. This is what kills me, the fact that I haven't been in one single interesting 5 man since pre bc.

Комментарий от millstoneman I agree with many comments above about casual playing as I am one from that demograpic (95% at last count!) and am very happy with the way things are going now. On TbC I never had chance to do sunwell (or many heroics) because I just couldnot get gear which would see me through them but now I am fully purple pixelated! Maybe my gear isnt as good as raiders/high end players but I can do most heroics without the usual griping and shouting from fellow players like 'OMG you only have xxxx spellpower my (insert class etc here) has more than you and I hardly ever play that one'. Having rep in heroics thru tabards was a great idea (stopped stupid grinds) and badges are a wonderful way of saving for a particular piece of gear. Yay Blizz.many thanks.

Комментарий от dt2k5 I am a casual player that runs with players that are more hardcore raiders. We all worked hard on brining up our toons 80 and I spent allot of gold to obtain over a 375 IMBA. But because I can only play 2 to 3 nights a week for a few hours at a time, I cant seem to break 400 IMBA with the gear I can obtain without raiding. On top of that if my IMBA is below 400 no one wants me in their heroic raid group! Catch 22 I say. But now with this new emblem system I can now run the content that is now valid to my friends since they can at least get loot that is worth something to them, and I benefit from aquiring the new emblems so I can be accepted and have the stats to run heroic naxx.

Комментарий от iNs1d3tRiP 'Let me ask you this: You go on about the depth and amazingness of certain dungeons. So.because you (allegedly 'used to') base your life around pixels on a screen, that makes you more entitled to see end game than other people?' HAHAHAHA I actually said exactly the opposite! I praise blizzard for their new 10 man system, it's by far the greatest thing they have done for raiding. For both casuals AND the 'hardcore'. And guess what, this system leaves room for the 'elite' by 25 man hardmodes. Edit: You also misunderstand my 'playing for the sake of playing' comment.

Yes, I do play for the sole sake of playing. Players like you, on the other hand, play to stroke your epeen and wave it everyone else's face. What little of it there is to wave, anyway.

No, I couldn't care less what!@#$s like you think of me. What I care about is the disintegration of the quality five mans. You need to look no further than ToC to see what I'm talking about. That new instance is a complete disgrace. And do not think it's limited to the first one roomed dungeon of the game. EVERY 5 man dungeon is incredibly bleak without any sort of imagination or thought, not to mention the lack of difficulty. You can literally face roll your way through those dungeons.

My post had almost nothing to do with the fact that blizzard now allows casual to raids. I think that's GREAT!

What my post really addressed was the poor quality of five mans. It's people like you who think you have to see EVERYTHING to appreciate this game, when the greatest treasures have been in front of our faces this whole time! The pre-raid instances in vanilla were far superior to ANY of the raid zones, and I feel sad because I didn't even realize it back then! This is a direct result of lust for purple text on an item.

I'm closing this post with my strongest statement from my previous post: 'Quality content is greater than gear, but the shallow players will never understand because they NEVER play for the sake of playing. (not casual instead I use the word shallow.)' Do not think only casual players are shallow. Most of the shallow players I have met are indeed the players who are 'hardcore. They care nothing about the adventure or the feel for the dungeon. They only care about their mother #$%^ing arena points and their god damn tier tokens. So many 'hardcore' players are to blame as well, but the 'hardcore' are not the ones who diminished the difficulty of the five man. That was the casuals who also happen to be shallow.

As a result blizzard has diminished 5 mans to give casual players better gear to start raiding. There is nothing wrong with making great gear easily obtainable, but I do not understand why the quality of content must be comprimised as a result. If you can answer why the 5 mans are to be set up as loot pinatas and not an end in themselves then I'll leave. However, I really think you will be hard pressed to give me a reason why five mans should be interesting, fun, challenging, beautiful, and backed by existing lore. This is all I ask, because as of right now the only requirement of a five man in the eyes of the blizzard devs is that the instance ABSOLUTELY must be short, preferably no longer than 30 minutes. Комментарий от tobindax 'But does awesome gear suddenly turn a n00b into a master?' Well, actually, yes, yes it does, partly.

This is not an FPS game that everyone gets in the same gear and only skill matters (and ok, minimally pings and pc specs). This is wow, where gear is a large part of the picture. Sure, if you're mental retards and don't even apply poisons when playing a Death Knight (I see that a lot) you can't be helped, but for most players with some minimal IQ, yes, gear is a big part of what many call 'skill' here. Комментарий от Malific You know iNs1d3tRiP, you're looking at the wrong people.

YOU PEOPLE, is Blizzard not us, and I'm pretty sure it boils down to 90% fiscal relations. Blizzard looks at these instances and thinks. We're paying top dollar to keep these raids and instance's going, and almost no one is them. Why are we wasting our money? Well there are a few thousand posts on the forums saying they're very hard and can't be played without top of the line gear, which most people don't seem have.

(and/or back in the 40 man days) It seems to be very difficult to pull together 40 people on a consistent basis to successfully run them, so they don't get used very often except by organized guilds. So they decide: Let's cut the Difficulty back, but make 'hard modes' so we only get hundreds of posts about the difficulty being too low instead of 1000's, then more people can use those servers and we won't be wasting so much cash. And/or Well I guess we went too high with 40 we're paying too much to run those servers for them to not to get used like this. Kill the 40's and make those servers run 25's and 10's in stead. It's all in the money.

You want to blame something point the finger at high school economics; supply and demand. No demand = no supply. Also content quality has absolutely nothing to do with difficulty.


Art and background have no bearing on how well organized a group has to be to get through it. Backstory and relevance to the world mean nothing to power of equipment that drops. Blizzard is one of the best story tellers in the gaming industry, if you're not satisfied with the quality of their work, it's on their heads not ours. We're all paying them the same now as we were before, so if you have complaints about art and design take it up with Blizz for being lazy not the players in the game. Комментарий от Vendolius Before coming to WoW I played EQ.I was a casual and it was because of 'hardcore' players like yourself that that game is dead. As another poster put it you hardcore people that went out and 'pwned' new content as soon as it was released.

Then SOE would have to go back and make a new expansion for them to beat. It got stupid because they were releasing expansions every 3 months to support the 'lifers' like yourself. I'm glad Blizzard is working for the casual gamers, that's what has made WoW so enjoyable for me. I don't have time to sit and farm high end content like you harcore players.

If you don't like it I hear that SOE has a really nice trial offer to get into Everquest.good riddance! Vendolius Rest In Peace Guild Leader Ysondre Server 'FOR THE HORDE!' Комментарий от iNs1d3tRiP 'YOU PEOPLE, is Blizzard not us, and I'm pretty sure it boils down to 90% fiscal relations. Blizzard looks at these instances and thinks. We're paying top dollar to keep these raids and instance's going, and almost no one is them. Why are we wasting our money?'

I don't know how many times I have to say this, I never said Blizzard is going in the wrong direction in terms of the raiding content. Quite the contrary, the raiding content is one thousand times better than it ever has been, in ANY MMO. My beef is that five mans have become nothing more than gearfests to gear up people who have gotten a late start in raiding.

While that is good to get people caught up in terms of gear, there is absolutely no need to dumb down the content so much as ToC has become. Back in Vanilla WoW you could spend dozens of days /played just to get the 2nd dungeon set. There was actually progression through the five mans. Now, five mans serve as a faceroll to quality gear. I stress this QUALITY GEAR IN FIVE MANS IS GREAT! However, it does not need to be a faceroll where there is no thought involved.

I'm not only talking about difficulty here, I'm taking about the ADVENTURE! Participating in a 5 man is a chore to get your emblems. I used to run five mans just because I thought they were fun and interesting. BRD had an expansive instance, many different events, a story leading up to MC, and you would plot our your course based on what bosses you wanted to fight or didnt. It was great fun. Dire maul had three different instances, two of which colaborated together, and the third was based around a tribute run, where you had to plan out your adventure before you got there. UBRS had an incredible feel to it and really set the tone for BWL and had really really great gear and bosses which resembled 40 man content in only a 15/10 man group.

Ok, I realize a lot of people hated these places because you actually HAD to think, but that's just my point. Because people have to actually use the brain to navigate a DUNGEON (which ever since D&D dungeons have always been more expansive than linear.) blizzard has sacrificed creativity and quality work simply to cater to the intellectually weak. Yes, we REQUIRE casuals to keep this game going and I have nothing at all against casuals really I dont.


I don't want to play more than 2 or 3 hours a day anymore either. However, I also don't believe in compromising the defining aspects of the RPG genre just to cater to players who have a severe case of ADD. I'm not just talking about difficulty, I'm not just taking about a large labyrinth. I'm talking about that epic feel, which made you forget you were playing a game and made you feel as if you were inside the world of warcraft. This feel has been lost and there is an indirect correlation with that feel and the high population of shallow gamers. Комментарий от coolguyry For those of you who want to know how many emblems it will take to get what you want, it's time to do some math.:P (Please note that this is the 'Get your Emblems from Heroics, Lazy Ass Edition') To get the complete you need approxiamtely 210.

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So during a week if you do heroics everyday for 7 days, you get 14 emblems for that week. So 210/14= 15. It would take 15 weeks for you to get the ilvl232 Tier 9 pieces.

But this is from doing heroics. From VoA 10/25, if you kill Koloran (in both modes) you get 4. And also from TotC 10/25 (both normal and heroic) You would get 60. So if you were do all these instances during the week you would get 78 per week ( The TotC 10/25 heroic is only for hard mode players, so don't get your hopes up:P). So this is pretty vital information if you think about it and if you just want to know how you can get your nice tier 9 lvl items. Use the information to your advantage!

Edit: Forgot to mention that Onyxia drops 3 emblems of Triumph in both 10 player and 25 player adding up the total to 84 badges a week. That is if you're that hardcore. Edit #2: Now with the addition of Patch 3.3, obtaining these have never been easier!

You can now get them from just doing heroic dungeons, PuGing, and also raids like Naxx, Uld, VoA (Archavon and Emalon), OS, and EoE! Free tier 9 for everyone! Комментарий от johankj 10x Emblem of Frost will also be a rewarded by completing Weekly Raid Quests (similar to the current daily heroic dungeon system, but once a week) You need to kill this raid boss: 1. Anub'Rekhan (Naxx) 2. Flame Leviathan (Ulduar) 3.

Ignis the Furnace Master slain (Ulduar) 4. Instructor Razuvious (Naxx) 5. Lord Jaraxxus (Toc) 6.

Lord Marrowgar (icecrown citadel) 7. Malygos (EoE) 8. Noth the Plaguebringer (Naxx) 9. Patchwerk (Naxx) 10. Razorscale (Ulduar) 11. Sartharion (Obsidian Sanctum) 12.

XT-002 Deconstructor (Ulduar) 2x Emblem of Frost will also be rewarded for completing the first PuG that you do, daily, using Patch 3.3's new. Комментарий от joneru Now that Patch 3.3 has landed, instead of. Players also have the opportunity to run the same heroic dungeon multiple times within the same lockout peroid, as part of the system. This makes the gearing up of alts a much quicker process. But how quick? Lets run some numbers. First of is to calculate the amout of emblems for gear.

The links will open up that a list of that slot's options. Anything with resilence has been removed to keep this list focussed on PvE. Available to purchase with Triumphs are:. (50 emblems). (30 emblems). (50 emblems). (30 emblems).

(50 emblems). (35 emblems). (50 emblems). (25 emblems) Totalling 320 emblems required. It should be noted that these are for the 232 level gear. The head & shoulder slots have a 245 level option for 75 & 50 emblems respectively. If this option is chosen, then the total emblems comes to 365.

The item slots that are missing are the neck, wrist, waist, feet, and second ring/trinkets. So from there we have:. (19 emblems of conquest).

(25 ). (60 emblems of valor). (28 emblems of conquest). (40 emblems of valor). (25 emblems of valor). (40 ) Totalling 237 non-Triumph emblems.

The grand total emblems required is 557 (or 602 with the head & shoulder options). There are 13 16 heroic dungeons currently in game, with a total of 52 60 bosses. Averaging out the number of bosses per dungeon gives 3.75 bosses per dungeon, and therefore 3.75 emblems per dungeon. There is also an extra two emblems received from completing the random dungeon 557 ÷ 5.75 = 96.87 or 97 runs to fully kit out a new level-80. A dungeon run can take between 15-45mins from start to finish, depending on the group skill & gearing levels. If a 20min run is assumed per dungeon, then it works out to be 1940mins, or about 32 hours.

Lets say a player logs on for 4 hours a day, then a new 80 is looking at approximately 8 days to be fully geared up. These calculations don't take into account (thanks:-) ) or better drops from dungeons.

Weapons were excluded because there is too much personal choice to add to (what is meant to be) an overall guide. Better drops were excluded because, well. The RNG gods hate me, and I am looking at the worst case scenario here. Edit: added in the new ICC 5-mans into the calculations, and links to items. Комментарий от tonydizzle.Wall of text stares at you menacingly. One thing you didn't factor in is that the newer dungeons (ToC and soon ICC) drop gear far superior (for the most part) to the valor gear.

Coming from your Death Knight (dps, since you can't just hop into heroics as a tank unless you have a full nice crafted set, even though there seem to be a lot of people who think you can) perspective:. are more or less superior to. are superior to. is superior to All three of these drop from ToC (heroic for the first two and regular for the trinket) so this isn't even including the ICC 5-man heroic (ilvl 232) and regular (ilvl 219) drops. Plus you forgot one slightly important (and by slightly I mean THE MOST XD) item and that is your weapon. No other item has a bigger effect on your dps than your weapon as melee.

And that means is your bread and butter starter or even as they are very comparable for melee dps (unless you are an Orc). Plus the one thing I hate to remind you all of is the fact that you shouldn't hit 80 and immediately try to go into these heroics unless you have been doing reg dungeons all through 70-80 as you will most likely be SEVERLY undergeared for even the original heroics if you are running in all quest greens/blues.

Other option obviously being crafted (or purchased BoE) ilvl 200 gear to start you off. (All of this being moot if you are in a guild with geared people willing to drag you through to get geared, but please don't assume this will happen with PuGs, you will probably be voted out if you are pulling. Комментарий от Zokathra For your information. With (Icecrown Citadel content), all level 80 dungeons that currently drop will drop instead. The daily dungeon quests available in Dalaran will be removed.

The new will be rewarded for the first daily random-dungeon quest, weekly raid quests, certain bosses in the current WotLK raids, and the bosses in the new ICC raids. While these changes will make Triumph the easy-to-farm badge, there will still be a need for Conquest and lower emblems due to the current vendor itemization. NOTE: Posted here to match my post under Emblem of Conquest. Not wishing to repeat the good information that has already posted.

Комментарий от CetraTezirit COMPILED FROM: Emblems per heroic instance: Utgarde Keep: 3 Utgarde Pinacle: 4 Nexus: 5 The Oculus: 4 Azjol Nerub: 3 Old Kingdom: 5 The Violet Hold: 3 Gun'Drak: 5 Drak'Tharon Keep: 5 Halls of Stone: 4 Halls of Lightning: 4 Caverns of Time: 5 Forge of Souls (N): 2 Pit of Saron (N): 3 Halls of Reflection (N): 3 Total: 58 Wether or not this is including the 2 Emblems of Triumph included with the Random Heroic Dungeon (2 Frost, then 2 extra triumph afterwards), I do not know. Any additions and/or corrections would be welcomed.

Комментарий от Azroh I can confirm as of 3.3 and the new LFG system, these are alot easier to achieve. To prove a point I have successfully farmed 4 peices of T9 protadin gear in 1 day by pugging, previously hard without a decent group of friends who had equal amounts of time to give away during the week (I was off work, legitimately, sick! That's not to say it still doesn't require a fair amount of skill and high DPS offspec to not get kicked out of HC groups, but in all honesty all gear now requiring only has become alot less rare and alot less valuable. The bright side to this means I can now be bothered to gear my alts!:). Комментарий от IceQ Or if you and a guild mate take a Saturday and run a few random heroics for a day you can make around 100-120 Emblems.

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I got full iL232 armour from 2 days of this. Also the gold stacks up and then there are the random drops from some of heroics that can be used for sel/dis/replacing old gear. And there is the frost orbs too. And the shards. Got 2x heirloom shoulders and a staff for my alts.

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You don't need to spend weeks, all you need is some friends (guildies) to run with you and you can do 210 emblems in basically 2-3 days.:) Just a thought. Комментарий от russykh The post you are replying to (unless there was one deleted in the short time between you posting yours and me posting this) was referring to getting them back in patch 3.2, when conquest dropped from heroics, and triumph were rewards from raids or the daily heroic. Saying 'or you could' makes it sound like you are comparing like to like, which you arent. Комментарий от Maelchav OK, here's my situation. I'm setting my warlock up to go PvP (mainly BGs, eventually arena I guess). My friend, a rogue, and I agreed to lock out exp at level 79 so we could rock that bracket for a while before facing the resilience-laden folks at 80. The set of gear I have my eye on will cost tons of Honor, plus some WG marks and about 200 Emblems of Triumph (I could buy it all with Honor, but using marks and emblems will save like 187k Honor).

If I'm frozen at level 79, and I don't raid (all my resources are going into getting PvP gear, so I don't have gear worthy of raiding), is my only source of Emblems of Triumph the first random dungeon of each day? Am I doomed to trudge through 100 days' worth of random (non-heroic, because I'm 79) dungeons to get my 2 per day? Is there any other way to earn them? In the end, I will unlock exp and level to 80 - and have this set of PvP gear waiting for me (because I won't be able to wear it at 79, it all requires 80). I'm hoping that will help me cope with all the geared folks in the 80 bracket and hopefully not fall too far from grace compared to what I can do in 70-79. Any thoughts?

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Комментарий от norg Along with Emblems of Frost, these will now be converted into Justice Points at a rate of 11.58 JP per Emblem (up from Blizzard's previous rate of 2.75 JP per Emblem). This will happen with the forthcoming deployment of patch 4.0.1. This means the Tier 9/10 items (and all other items currently available on the various Emblem vendors) will cost about the same in 4.0.1 as they do in 3.3.5, comparatively speaking. At the previously mooted conversion rate of 2.75 JP per Emblem, they were set to be much more costly post-4.0.1.